
Sunday School

9:30 AM

Sunday Morning Service

10:30 am

Nursery is provided for younger children during Sunday Morning Service.

Handicapped Parking available.

Missions and Outreach

Deuteronomy 16:17
"Every man shall give as he is able,
according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you."
Blessing Bags

Head Start is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children ages three to five from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Muskingum County Head Start serves children ages three to five years of age.

Faith UMC provides bags filled with goodies for students to take home. These bags are our way to help fight food insecurity when students are out of school for weekends or holiday breaks. 

Summer Movies

Faith Hosts several Free outdoor movies in our lower parking lot each summer. 

Free hot dogs, sno-cones and popcorn are provided.


Each year during Zanesville City Trick-or-Treat, 

Faith grills out and gives away free hot dogs and water to trick-or-treaters 

and their parents/guardians.

Narcotics Anonymous

Faith is one of several Narcotics Anonymous meeting locations.

Contact Phil at 740-704-0705 if you have questions. 

Community Playground
Faith is known for its wonderful playground. We have a large climber, swings, a sand box, and various other outdoor toys for children to enjoy. Our entire playground is fenced in with a gate to allow peace of mind for parents/guardians when bringing their children to play.