Faith History

Sunday School

9:30 AM

Sunday Morning Service

10:30 am

Nursery is provided for younger children during Sunday Morning Service.

Handicapped Parking available.

Following the close of the Civil War, a group of Zanesville citizens attended a church service at the United Brethren Church of Circleville.  This group was composed mostly, if not entirely, of German-speaking persons.  In Germany they had belonged to the United Brethren Church.  This visit to Circleville inspired the group to organize a similar church in Zanesville.  Rev. Casper Streich, then minister at Circleville, and Frederick Buerhaus, a prominent layman, offered their services in establishing a mission church.


The first meeting was held April 8, 1865 at the home of Frederick Gruel on Wayne Avenue.  His home continued to be the meeting place until a new edifice was constructed at 49 North Seventh Street.  Persons composing the first congregation at the Gruel home were:

        Frederick Gruel

        Barbara Gruel

        Christopher Bischoff

        Christian Bischoff

        Viet Julius Bauer

        Katherine Streich and

        Rev. Casper Streich


On April 12, 1865 the first quarterly conference was held at the Gruel resident and it was decided that all services would be conducted in the German language.  However since 1925 all services have been in English.  The first board of trustees was composed of Christian Bischoff, Frederick Gruel and Viet Bauer.


In September of that first year the group decided to build a church.  The North Seventh street site was purchased for $500 and a building constructed at a cost of $400.  The congregation continued to grow and in March 1895 was incorporated under the laws of Ohio as the German United Brethren in Christ of Zanesville.  The incorporators were:

        John C. Bischoff

        William Heckel

        Frederick Poller

        Christian Findeiss and

        John H. Leupold


The first enlargement of the church property was made in 1891 when two rooms were added to the rear for a parsonage.  In 1908-09 a new front enclosing additional space was added and new pews and fixtures were purchase.


In 1915 the board of trustees bought the first parsonage, the former home of the late Christian Findeiss on Putnam Avenue.  A few years later a more modern home was built at 1229 Euclid Avenue and is the present parsonage (1959).


In 1928 the largest expansion of the church during its history was realized in the building of extensive Sunday School rooms in the rear of the main structure.


During the life of the German conference, general conference sessions were held in Zanesville three times, in 1868, 1896 and the final meeting in May 1929 when the conference was dissolved and the local church became affiliated with the English conference of the United Brethren churches.  Through the consolidation of the Evangelical and United Brethren Church at a joint conference hold in Johnstown, PA., in 1946, the local church assumes a new identity and now is known as the First Evangelical United Brethren Church


At the present time a new expansion program is underway (1959).  A number of years ago the property adjacent to the south side of the church was purchased from Alfred Kelley.  Under the will of Mrs. Christian Findeiss a fund of $2,000 was set aside for the purpose of building a new structure.


The First Evangelical United Brethren church had its inception during the trying days of the War between the States.  The first meeting was held on April 8, 1865 in the home of Frederick Gruel and by September of that same year a lot had been purchased and a building started.  Until the building was completed, the congregation met in a home on Ninth Street.


In 1869 Christian Bischoff received permission from the Ohio German Conference to start a United Brethren Mission in Germany.  It was from his converts that many of the early members of the Zanesville Church were received.


The church was incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio on March 5, 1895.  When the Ohio German Conference was dissolved in 1929, the Zanesville Church became a member of the East Ohio Conference of the U.B. Church.  At the time of the merger of the United Brethren Denomination and the Evangelical Denominations the Zanesville Church became a member of the Ohio Southeast Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church.


The original building built in 1865, was improved in 1891 and a new front added in 1908.  As the congregation and program grew it was felt more room was needed and in 1928 an educational unit was constructed and attached to the building.


With changes in the community conditions and farsightedness of the Board of Trustees it was decided in 1949 that it would be a good move to relocate the church in a residential area.  The General Church Officers concurred in this opinion of the local officials.  Following acceptance of the proposal by the congregation, a site was purchased in January, 1953, located at the corner of Fairmont and Blue Avenues.


After more than two years work by various Planning Committees, a Building committee was appointed and work began with definite plans.  The dreams of a church became an architect’s drawing and finally a reality.